An introductory guide to technical elements in figure skating. [2021-2022]
General: Figure Skating Steps/Turns[courtesy of Kaley]
Introduction to skating: [courtesy of soyouwanttowatchfs]
Skating Skills: Video Guide featuring varying levels of SS
Program Components Chart [courtesy of the ISU featured below]:

1. Throw Jumps
Throw jumps are partner-assisted jumps. The man throws the lady into the air and she lands without help from her partner on a backward outside edge.
Short Program Requirements: One throw jump.
Free Skate Requirements: A maximum of two different throw jumps [example: throw 3S and throw 3Lz can be included in a free skate, making it well balanced].
Lutz and Flip throws have the same base value. Edge calls are virtually non-existent when it comes to throw lutzes & flips.
2. Twists
General: "The Lady must be caught in the air at the waist by the Man prior to landing and be assisted to a smooth landing on the ice on a backward outside edge on one foot. In the twist lift, a split position by the Lady, prior to rotating, is not mandatory, but will be one of the features that might increase the level of this element."
Short Program: One twist is required. Two or three rotations are required for juniors and seniors(e.g. the lady rotates in the air a minimum of two times).
Free Skating Requirements: Minimum of one twist.
Levels [quoted from the ISU 2020-2021 pairs handbook]
Lady’s split position (each leg at least 45° from the body axis and Lady’s legs are straight or almost straight)
Catching the Lady at the side of the waist without her hand(s)/arm(s)/any part of the upper body touching the Man
Lady’s position in the air with arm(s) above the head (minimum one full revolution)
Difficult take-off: turns, steps, movements, small lifts immediately preceding the take-off, executed with continuous flow.
Man’s arms sideways, being straight or almost straight, reaching at least shoulder level after the release of the lady.
3. Death Spirals
A helpful guide courtesy of eggplantgifs.
Types of Death Spirals: backward outside, forward inside, backward inside, forward outside.
Levels: Difficult entry and/or exit + low position on spiral [Lady’s “low position”: for inside Death Spirals the lowest hip or buttock and head should not be higher than her skating knee; - for outside Death Spirals head should not be higher than her skating knee and body line between knee of skating leg and head should be flat or shallow arch. Man’s “low pivot position”: buttocks not higher than the knee of his anchored foot. The Level of a death spiral without one full revolution in the described Man’s and Lady’s simultaneous position cannot be more than 1."]
4. Lift
Group One Armpit Hold position
Group Two - Waist Hold position
Group Three - Hand to Hip or upper part of the leg (above the knee) position
Group Four - Hand to Hand position (Press Lift type)
Group Five - Hand to Hand position (Lasso Lift type)
Example of exceptional + unique lifts: Liubov Ilyushechkina / Dylan Moscovitch
Great examples of the different lift groups courtesy of Reed Hastings:
Ice Dance:
[Rhythm Dance] In the RD, there can be a maximum of one short lift. Short lifts are characterized as lifts that may not exceed 7 seconds. Examples of short lifts include curve, straight line, rotational, & stationary lifts.
Twizzles: "(1) Set of Sequential Twizzles
- At least two Twizzles for each partner and must NOT be in contact between Twizzles
- Up to 1 step between Twizzles (Each push and/or transfer of weight while on two feet between Twizzles is considered as a step) Set of Sequential Twizzles is evaluated as one unit by adding the Base Values of the Lady Set of Twizzles Level and Man Set of Twizzles Level and then applying the GOE" [Quote taken from the ISU's communication.]
[graphic courtesy of the ISU]:

Guide for pattern dance key points [courtesy of Kaley]:
Handbook for Ice Dance Official Pattern Dances [2020-2021]
Pattern Dance GOE [2020-2021]
All ID Handbooks [2020-2021]
#figureskating #pairsskating #Olympics2022